Are you ready to let go of disempowering internal programming?

Heal from past woundings, rewrite old stories, upgrade internal programming and actualize your desires.



Have you ever wondered why you feel held back from unleashing the massive potential bottled up inside of you?


You feel like you’ve tried everything and still, not much has shifted.


It’s not your fault, it’s likely your internal programming.

Your subconscious mind is responsible for controlling 95% of your thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

It’s like a computer, installed with programming you downloaded when you were a kid, which runs how you think, feel and behave today.

Yes, your mind is likely running old, outdated, disempowering programming keeping you stuck in the same patterns and undesirable situations.

It’s time for a massive upgrade!

Get to the root cause of what’s holding you back from actualizing your desires.


Can you imagine a life where you have unshakable self-belief so you can tap into the unlimited potential within you?

A life where you kick the habit of second guessing yourself to trust your intuition and take massive action.

Meet Raquel.

Certified Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapist, Holistic Health Coach, Robbins-Madanes trained Life Coach and former Director in Advertising.


Raquel believes that we are born whole, complete, worthy and enough.

Past conditioning, programming, limiting beliefs and trauma can trick us into believing otherwise. 

Raquel is passionate about working directly with the infinite intelligence of the subconscious mind to facilitate healing from past wounding by getting to the root cause of issues in order to overcome hurdles and actualize desires. 

Her style of coaching taps into the source of wisdom that already exists within her clients to help support a clear path forward. 

She has blended her knowledge from decades of schooling,16 years of professional experience, exploring multiple therapies, attending workshops, certifications, and reading mountains of books to create a unique process and safe container that supports long-lasting transformation.

Other passions and interests include facilitating women’s circles, facilitating ceremonial experiences to honor transitions, making herbal medicine, sovereign homebirth, sovereign wellness and the list goes on! 

Client Results

So, what’s next?

First I must warn you: this is NOT for you if you’re not willing to get uncomfortable and unlearn deeply held disempowering beliefs and perceptions.

This is for you if you are willing to:

  • Do things you've never done before (to get what you want)

  • Be curious (we all have blind spots)

  • Question and dismantle your disempowering beliefs, stories, perceptions and status quo

  • Take action (you are responsible for your outcome)

  • Be open to the journey, experience and the unexpected

If you’re committed to saying yes to the above, read on sister!



The unique combination of Rapid Transformational Therapy sessions as well as Transformational Coaching sessions create breakthrough results by working with both the subconscious and conscious mind. 

Create harmony between the thoughts and desires of subconscious mind and the conscious mind to bring inner peace.

Here are some of the benefits:


Eradicate success blocks to welcome prosperity into your life and tap into your infinite potential


Become so at peace with who you are that you’re finally free from comparing yourself to others


Feel the liberation, clarity & inner peace that comes from letting go of what’s holding you back


Turn the inner critic into your inner champion that guides you towards your greatness


Shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset so you trust, know, feel and believe that there is always enough


Turn difficult situations into opportunities for growth, expansion and even exciting new possibilities


Create clarity around what’s important to you, enabling you to feel certain about the choices you make with unshakable confidence


Speak your truth and advocate for your wants, needs and desires so you feel self-expressed


Here’s what to do next:

Step 1:

Book a discovery call.

Then you’ll receive an application within 24 hours via email to fill out before our call and in order to have our call.


Step 2:

We hop on a free, no-obligation zoom to casually feel out if we’re a right fit for each other. I learn about you, what you’re looking for, and share some valuable recommendations.


Step 3:

Transformation begins the moment you commit. Once you decide you’re in, the outcomes as a result of this choice will start surprising you.


More client transformations!


Life is precious and I know you have an inner longing for something more, which is why you kept reading.

Listen to that longing.

Make a commitment and choose you.

And remember this, YOU determine your worth, no one else.


Frequently Asked Questions


You can find out more about RTT here


Sessions are held via Zoom or in person if you’re in or near Massachusetts.


Rapid Transformational Therapy is a 2-hour session and Transformational Coaching is a 1-hour session.


I can tell you that this is NOT a step-by-step guide telling you exactly what you need to do and how to do it. It's not a check-the-box solution of the exact steps needed in business or in life. It’s an exploration, an experience and an inner journey to tap into your infinite potential. It’s going to a place that perhaps you’ve been avoiding your whole life, which could be why you’re not where you want to be. If the above resonates with you, book a call to discuss further.


An open mind, to be coachable, to lean into the uncomfortable, to show up for yourself, to follow through on your commitments. That’s a good start.

Let’s chat during a discovery call


Here is the truth - you and only you are responsible for the quality of your life and who you become.

No one else.  


 If you want to make changes in your life, stop making excuses.

The time is now.

If you do nothing, your life will stay the same. 

If you take action and book a call, you open the door to becoming the person you know you’re destined to be.


You deserve to be the person you’ve always dreamed of being.
